Bersih 2.0 (Malay: Gabungan Pilihanraya Bersih dan Adil) is an independent coalition of civil society organizations unaffiliated to any political party campaigning for clear and fair elections in Malaysia.
Penang Institute is a Malaysian think tank that contributes to policy-making though the promotion of intellectual discourse, literary activities and academic research on critical, current and strategic issues affecting Penang and its surrounding region.
IKMAS (Institute of Malaysian and International Studies) is a centre conducting multidisciplinary research, postgraduate teaching and other academic activities to understand the impact of globalisation and occidentalism on Malaysia and the surrounding region.
G25 is a group of influential Malay Muslims in Malaysia promoting a moderate version of Islam that guarantees the fundamental rights to freedom of expression and religion to all citizens in a multiracial and multicultural country such as Malaysia.

The Iqbal Centre, based at the University of Leeds, UK, promotes and supports the research, teaching and dissemination of critical Muslim studies through conferences, seminars and workshops, besides online resources.
FORSEA (Forces of Renewal for Southeast Asia) is an advocacy group campaigning to advance human welfare, protect vulnerable minorities, propagate fundamental human rights, foster inter-religious harmony, spread ecological consciousness, and promote democracy across Southeast Asia.

Islamic College Sadra (Sekolah Tinggi Filasfat Islam Sadra), based in Indonesia, is an Islamic institute of higher learning that teaches Islam, theology, philosophy, comparative religion and mysticism with the goal of promoting dialogue among scholars of various traditions.
Maarif Institute, based in Indonesia, promotes the values of tolerance and pluralism among Muslims based on the ideas of Muhammadiyah chairman and Muslim intellectual Ahmad Syafii Maarif.