
An Interview with the International Qur’an News Agency (IQNA), Islamic Republic of IRAN on US campus protest against Israel’s war in Gaza
15 May 2024 Prologue The protests against Israel’s assault and disproportionate war on Gaza started in April this year at Columbia University, an Ivy League university in New York. This protest has since swept college campuses nationwide, and thousands […]

Wawancara dengan International Quran News Agency (IQNA) Mengenai Ali Shariati dalam memperingati Ulangtahun Kematiannya yang ke-43 | 18th June 2020
Prolog Ali Shariati, (dilahirkan pada tanggal 23 November 1933, Mazīnān, Iran – meninggal dunia pada 18 Jun, 1977, England), merupakan seorang intelektual Iran dan pengkritik terhadap rejim Reza Shah Pahlawi. Ali Shariati membangunkan sebuah perspektif baru terhadap sejarah dan sosiologi […]

An Interview with the International Quran News Agency (IQNA) on Ali Shariati in commemorating the 43rd Anniversary of his death | 18th June 2020
Prologue Ali Shariati, (born 23rd November 1933, Mazīnān, Iran—died 18th June, 1977, England), Iranian intellectual and critic of the regime of the Reza Shah Pahlawi. Ali Shariati developed a new perspective on the history and sociology of Islam and gave highly charged lectures in Tehrān […]

An Interview with Free Malaysia Today
The ritual slaughter during Hari Raya Aidil Adha serves as a symbolic reminder of the epic sacrifice of Abraham and Ishmael. To the Christian tradition, he was Isaac, not Ishmael. Ainaa Aiman (AA) from Free Malaysia Today interviewed the Director […]

An Interview with The Diplomat
On 8th August 2019, a British journalist Preeti Jha (PJ) who writes for The Diplomat interviewed Dr Ahmad Farouk Musa (AFM), Director at the Islamic Renaissance Front, on issues regarding reform to Malaysia’s NEP in the context of Malaysia’s politics. […]

BFM 89.9 Interview: Respecting Freedom of Religion
Transcript – BFM 89.9 Interview – Respecting Freedom of Religion Rights groups are calling out against a statement reportedly made by the Kelantan Islamic Religious and Malay Customs Council, that they were planning to convert all Orang Asli in the […]

Tentang Nalar: Wawancara bersama Ahmad Farouk Musa
Naratif Malaysia (NM): Untuk pengetahuan anda, kami sedang mengumpulkan suatu pangkalan data berkenaan kebebasan beragama (religious freedom). Kita tidak sahaja mengambil tokoh yang mungkin bersifat terbuka seperti anda sendiri, akan tetapi juga tokoh-tokoh yang boleh dikatakan daripada aliran konservatisme. Apa […]

BFM Interview – Anwar: ‘Beware the Super Liberal’
Transcript – BFM Interview – Anwar: ‘Beware the Super Liberal’ – 27 September 2018 PKR president-elect Anwar Ibrahim is urging people to fight against the demanding group of “super liberals.” Produced by: Loo Juosie Presented by: Lee Chwi Lynn (“Lynn”), […]

Making Way for Muslim Minorities?
BFM89.9 – MAKING WAY FOR MUSLIM MINORITIES? Dr. Ahmad Farouk Musa, Chairman and Director, Islamic Renaissance Front | Dr. Mohd Faizal Musa, Research Fellow, Malay World and Civilization 06-Jul-18 19:00 In Malaysia Baru, newly-minted religious minister, Datuk Mujahid Yusof Rawa, […]

Harapkan pegar, pegar makan padi – Wawancara dengan Prof Jomo Kwame Sundaram
Apakah prestasi ekonomi Malaysia lebih baik sejak PRU13? Ekonomi Malaysia telah tumbuh pesat menurut angka resmi. Tetapi angka-angka juga menunjukkan segelintir orang kaya yang dapat isi lemaknya, sedangkan tulang dan bulu jatuh kepada golongan lain. Angka resmi juga memberi gambaran […]